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AlpyX office and workshop building
AlpyX cleanroom environment
Johansson x ray crystal optics

X ray crystals

Crystals for x ray spectrometry

Crystals for x ray diffraction

Crystals for WDXRF

Crystals for XRD

Bragg Crystals

Focusing Crystals

Monochromating crystals

Crystal Analyzer

Curved crystals


X ray Optics

X ray Optics for spectrometry

X ray Optics for diffraction

Crytal optics for WDXRF

Crystal optics for XRD

Bragg Optics

Focusing optics

Monochromating optics

Curved Optics

Johansson optics


X ray Monochromator

Channel cut



1D curvature

2D curvature

Meridional curvature

Sagittal curvature

Toroidal optic

Spherical optic

Rowland circle

The X-Ray crystal optic is one of the key component for X-Ray analysis systems:


  • X-Ray spectrometry: WDXRF or EDXRF
  • X-Ray diffractometry: powder or crystals

The X-Ray crystal optic basically achieves 2 functions:


  • To shape the X-Ray beam before its interaction with the sample, or before the X-Ray detector
  • To perfectly monochromatize the beam such as to provide the highest level of information to the detector


AlpyX designs and produces Optics to match the full potential of X Ray analyzing systems.

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